21 juni 2003
Carline wordt 28 en viert dat vanaf middernacht in het clubhuis.
Klik op een foto om een grotere versie te zien.
Het kan even duren voordat de foto geladen is.
Foto 1
My kingdom for a smile...
Party !
Foto 5
Foto 6
Foto 7
Girls just wanna have fun (1)
Jeffrey and Jose
Guido and Janne
I really don't know what's going on...
Annemieke and Jose
Jeffrey and Mila
Yeah ! The new HP has arrived this very night !
I've got the new HP... (and you don't) !
Foto 16
Foto 17
Girls just wanna have fun (2)
The party will continue
White roses.. a present from...
Best party is always in the kitchen
Me ?
Foto 23
DJ go your gang
Doing fine with the cocktails
Imke smiling as ever
Was it a good party or what ?